Item 78757 - Slate Quarry workers posing for group photo, Monson, ca. 1890
- Item 78757 - Slate Quarry workers posing for group photo, Monson, ca. 1890
- Contributed by Monson Historical Society
- Item 78757
- 4880px x 2811px - 16.3"w x 9.4"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Monson Historical Society
Image Info A group of slate quarry workers having an annual group photo taken sometime around 1890. Note the railroad tracks in the foreground of the picture, which was used to transport the slate to the mill from the quarry.
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The man on far left and the fourth man from the left in the front row are slate splitters. Slate splitting was considered specialty work that only a few could accomplish.