Item 72854 - George Mowry house, Lubec, 1975, 1975
- Item 72854 - George Mowry house, Lubec, 1975, 1975
- Contributed by Lubec Historical Society
- Item 72854
- 4552px x 3149px - 15.2"w x 10.5"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Lubec Historical Society
Image Info George Anderson Mowry (1862-1954) Mowry, active in the smoked herring industry, “will venture into the manufacture (canning) of sardines this season” according to the Lubec column in the Lewiston Evening Journal dated March 15, 1915. Anne, Edith, and Ella Mowry grew up in this house at 10 Summer Street. At the date of this photograph the house was occupied by Janet and Emery Hallet. Hallet was the last superintendent of the American Can Company. The view is from the back of the house and shows Harry Walton’s house on Summer Street in the background.
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