Item 55203 - L.C. Bates Museum Mineral Collection, Fairfield, ca. 1955
- Item 55203 - L.C. Bates Museum Mineral Collection, Fairfield, ca. 1955
- Contributed by L.C. Bates Museum / Good Will-Hinckley Homes
- Item 55203
- 3174px x 4755px - 10.6"w x 15.8"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of L.C. Bates Museum / Good Will-Hinckley Homes
Image Info The rock and mineral collection at the L.C. Bates Museum on the campus of Good Will-Hinckley as it appeared around 1955. Many of the specimens that the children in this photograph are looking at are still on display at the museum today in their original cases.
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