Item 50897 - "Merrymeeting" parlor car, Lewiston, ca. 1915
- Item 50897 - "Merrymeeting" parlor car, Lewiston, ca. 1915
- Contributed by Seashore Trolley Museum
- Item 50897
- 4800px x 3037px - 16.0"w x 10.1"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Seashore Trolley Museum
Image Info The Merrymeeting was a double-truck parlor car built in 1899 and owned by the Lewiston, Augusta, & Waterville Railway. The Merrymeeting was 42 feet long. Its observation platforms were enclosed by ornamental wrought iron grillwork, with gates, steps, and rattan chairs. The closed section had five large plate glass windows with stained glass trimmings, plate glass mirrors, and easy chairs upholstered in green plush. There were olive green plush draperies at the windows and matching carpet. The interior was finished with mahogany. This lovely car was scrapped in 1923.
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