Item 48819 - Adult Americanization class, Portland, 1924
- Item 48819 - Adult Americanization class, Portland, 1924
- Contributed by Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
- Item 48819
- 4408px x 3423px - 14.7"w x 11.4"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
Image Info Clara Soule, who stands in the back, taught a daytime Americanization class for adult women at the North School in Portland.
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In addition to literacy in the English language, Soule wanted to teach what she thought of as proper female American behavior.
"It is apparent that not a few [students] get their first glimpse of refinement in these classes," Soule wrote in the 1924 Annual School Report. "The vulgar, obscene expressions previously used in their conversations have dropped."
This photograph was published in the Portland Sunday Telegram on February 17, 1924.