Item 31947 - General store, Lubec, ca. 1890, ca. 1890
- Item 31947 - General store, Lubec, ca. 1890, ca. 1890
- Contributed by Lubec Historical Society
- Item 31947
- 4340px x 3292px - 14.5"w x 11.0"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Lubec Historical Society
Image Info The identity of this store in this sadly blemished photograph remains unknown. A variety of advertising trade cards from the era, such as Soapine, B. C. A. Cigars, Gold Dust washing powder, Portland Liquid Paints, and Lenox soap, “Lathers freely in hard water.” Fabrics and footwear are visible on the right, and hanging high a sailing community’s ubiquitous blocks (pulleys, as in “block and tackle”).
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