Item 31715 - Portland Twin Drive-In, Scarborough, ca. 1969
- Item 31715 - Portland Twin Drive-In, Scarborough, ca. 1969
- Contributed by Scarborough Historical Society & Museum
- Item 31715
- 2945px x 2241px - 9.8"w x 7.5"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Scarborough Historical Society & Museum
Image Info This outdoor theater opened in 1949 on Route 1 in back of where the current Sudsie Car Wash is located in the Oak Hill area.
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The Baptist Church held services there from the mid 1950s to the mid 1970s.
In 1968 a second screen was added but business eventually tapered off and the drive-in closed in 1986. Locally it was known as Sin City.