Item 31290 - Shipwreck, Lubec, 1915
- Item 31290 - Shipwreck, Lubec, 1915
- Contributed by Lubec Historical Society
- Item 31290
- 4810px x 2971px - 16.0"w x 9.9"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Lubec Historical Society
Image Info The ship Lanie Cobb, carrying a load of coal to Calais, ran aground at West Quoddy Head on September 10, 1915. According to the the Lubec Herald newspaper account, there was no loss of life. Two boys are playing in a small boat aft of the forward cabin. At the far right appears another boy on his knees in another small boat. West Quoddy Head Lighthouse is out of view toward the left.
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