Item 30905 - Guilford Center Silver Mine workers, ca. 1940
- Item 30905 - Guilford Center Silver Mine workers, ca. 1940
- Contributed by Guilford Historical Society
- Item 30905
- 3052px x 4915px - 10.2"w x 16.4"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Guilford Historical Society
Image Info Guilford Center Silver Mine Workers are shown about 1940.
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The silver mine is in the old Guilford Center. There is a tunnel more than 150-feet long in the ledge at the Silver Mine.
In 1864, gold was found in a ledge on the brow of a steep hill on the farm of Lysander Bennett, property that had initially been owned by Captain Bennett. Thinking that there might be rich veins beneath, portions of the hill were blasted away and, through a smelting process, both gold and silver were found.
A company was formed, and a conditional purchase of the farm was arranged. The company blasted a tunnel six feet square from the top of the hill, in a perpendicular line from the outcroppings at the top. It was a slow, expensive job, and very little was found.
The enterprise was abandoned with heavy losses to the investors.