Item 27635 - Hampden Congregational Church, Hampden, 1893
- Item 27635 - Hampden Congregational Church, Hampden, 1893
- Contributed by Hampden Historical Society
- Item 27635
- 1449px x 1198px - 4.8"w x 4.0"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Hampden Historical Society
Image Info John Crosby presented land on Main Road North for the Congregational Church in 1834 and in December of 1835 the building was dedicated.
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Before that time Hampden Congregationalists worshiped in Hampden Academy.
At the dedication ceremony the clerk wrote, "Our house of worship, recently erected, was this day dedicated to the worship of God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. It was severly cold and blusterous. Very few of the ministers invited were able to attend."
Benjamin Crosby's 1873 will left a trust of about $12,000 to the church.