Item 27188 - Looking down Elliot Street, Thomaston, 1870
- Item 27188 - Looking down Elliot Street, Thomaston, 1870
- Contributed by Thomaston Historical Society
- Item 27188
- 4461px x 3300px - 14.9"w x 11.0"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Thomaston Historical Society
Image Info This view is taken from Elliot Street, looking west along Water Street toward Brooklyn Heights on the west side of the George's River. The toll bridge across the river can be seen on the left side of the picture.
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Richard Elliot stands with his back to the photographer. The upright poles and pile driver to his left mark where the Knox and Lincoln railroad trestle was being constructed across Elliot Street.