Item 26396 - Thomaston Bank, Stereo View, Thomaston, ca. 1865
- Item 26396 - Thomaston Bank, Stereo View, Thomaston, ca. 1865
- Contributed by Thomaston Historical Society
- Item 26396
- 5520px x 2665px - 18.4"w x 8.9"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Thomaston Historical Society
Image Info The Thomaston Bank, incorporated on February 22, 1825, was the first institution of its kind in this town and the second in the state. The committee to form it was “authorized to erect a suitable building for a banking house betwixt the dwelling house of John Gleason and Joseph Sprague, provided the said Gleason shall deed to the President, Directors and Co of the Thomaston Bank, a suitable site for the said bank house, betwixt said dwelling houses, the same to be erected and finished in a civil manner for the accommodation of said bank.”
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At a directors’ meeting held on April 20, 1825 it was voted that “a one story building of granite be erected for a banking house, to be 26’ x 24’ on the outside, to stand into the road with two gothic windows and a gothic door in the front end and one common room in the back end, the front to be of hewn granite.” When proposals were received to carry out the plans of the building, the plans were rejected because the directors were recorded to have been individually of the opinion that the price of $1170 was too high. At this meeting it was voted to offer the office of cashier with salary of $400 a year to Robert N. Foster, who declined to accept the office and Joseph Sprague was elected cashier.
In August 1825 the plans for the banking house were reconsidered and it was voted that a building of two stories of stone with common windows and door, 26 x 24’ be erected.
This was removed in 1874 to make way for the construction of the present Stimpson Block, which today houses a grocery store and a bank on the north side of Main Street.