Item 20715 - 'Old Glory,' Old Orchard Beach, 1927
- Item 20715 - 'Old Glory,' Old Orchard Beach, 1927
- Contributed by Old Orchard Beach Historical Society
- Item 20715
- 4780px x 3080px - 15.9"w x 10.3"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Old Orchard Beach Historical Society
Image Info On the back of the photo is written in pencil "Chrysler towing 'Old Glory' from in front of Capt. Jones' hangar at Old Orchard Beach to a point 2 1/4 miles distant, enabling 'Old Glory' to have more of a run [here writing cut off] Chrysler Sales Corporation, Detroit, Michigan.
Show Details
Old Glory, a Fokker monoplane attempted a transatlantic flight, leaving from Old Orchard Beach Sept. 6, 1927.
The plane was lost, with portions found several days later off the coast of Newfoundland. The three men aboard were never recovered.