Item 17230 - Casino, Old Falls Park, ca. 1900
- Item 17230 - Casino, Old Falls Park, ca. 1900
- Contributed by Sanford-Springvale Historical Society
- Item 17230
- 4538px x 3313px - 15.1"w x 11.0"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Sanford-Springvale Historical Society
Image Info The Casino at Old Falls Park on the Sanford and Cape Porpoise Railway, Sanford, ca. 1900. Trolley service between Sanford and Cape Porpise commenced in 1899.
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Trolleys departed from Hotel Sanford near the Square, went down Main Street as far as Old Mill Road where the tracks left Main Street and went southeast to the beginning of Jagger Mill Road. The tracks followed that road to a point just beyond the sharp bend in the Mousam River. There they turned southeast again and continued to the Mousam River where a trestle bridge was built about one and one-half miles above the dam at Old Falls and just below the site where New Dam was built.
After crossing the river the tracks passed through the southern corners of Alfred and Lyman and then continued on to West Kennebunk, Kennebunk, and Cape Porpoise.
The primary purpose of this Goodall venture was to provide freight service between the Goodall Mill and the Boston and Maine stations in the Kennebunks and the dock facilities the Goodalls built at Cape Porpoise.
Passenger service was incidental to freight but the Goodalls nevertheless wanted to attract passenger traffic. Toward this end they built a recreation park at Old Falls on the east bank of the river and a casino at Cape Porpoise, both of which were popular in the early years of this century.