Item 17071 - West Fryeburg School Children, 1913
- Item 17071 - West Fryeburg School Children, 1913
- Contributed by Fryeburg Historical Society
- Item 17071
- 4388px x 3264px - 14.6"w x 10.9"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Fryeburg Historical Society
Image Info This is a photograph of a teacher and her schoolchildren in 1913 at the West Fryeburg School House, located on the side toward Ralph Hill. From left to right, the people are: (first row on bottom) Harry McKeen, Carrol Thompson, Chester Heath, Daniel Hutchins, Charlie McKeen, Floyd Stevens, Donald McKeen, (second row) Ruth Coleman, Lillian Stevens, Rachel Martin, Ariel McIntire, Leena McIntire, Helen Hutchins, Alice Ballard, (third row) Mary Hutchins, Ethel Andrews, Mildred Thompson, Harold Gingell, Kate McIntire, Henry McIntire, (fourth row) Hazel Seavey, Sarah Hutchins, Bessie Morrison, Mildred Seavey, Louis Coleman, Byron Hutchins
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