Item 152031 - U.S. Naval activity in Casco Bay, Portland, 1944

Item 152031 - U.S. Naval activity in Casco Bay, Portland, 1944
Contributed by Maine Historical Society
Item 152031
U.S. Naval activity in Casco Bay, Portland, 1944
5578px x 4045px - 18.6"w x 13.5"h @ 300dpi  |  Need a larger size?
*Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society
Image Info

Arthur Schuh, a Lieutenant (Junior Grade) in the United States Navy Reserve, photographed Naval activity at the U.S. Naval Frontier Base in downtown Portland from a ship in Casco Bay in 1944.

Identifiable vessels in the photograph include YP-274, a District Patrol Craft, and CS-302, the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey ship Lydonia. While stationed in Portland during World War II, Schuh captured rarely-seen images of Naval activity and locations, offering a unique glimpse into military life during the war.

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