Item 149603 - Bill Thombs at the Kwanis Club Lobster Picnic, Scarborough, 1920

Item 149603 - Bill Thombs at the Kwanis Club Lobster Picnic, Scarborough, 1920
Contributed by Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
Item 149603
Bill Thombs at the Kwanis Club Lobster Picnic, Scarborough, 1920
4620px x 3362px - 15.4"w x 11.2"h @ 300dpi  |  Need a larger size?
*Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
Image Info

Bill Thombs, a member of the Portland Kiwanis Club, enjoys the beverages present at the second annual Lobster Picnic on August 12, 1920. The outing was at Eagle's Nest, Scarborough, where the men feasted on clambake and listened to the tunes of Chandler's Band.

The picnic featured several sporting events, including the rope climb, the rope ladder climb, and a baseball game. The event culminated with 23 members taking flights with pilot Harry Jones.

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