Item 148262 - Map of highways, rivers, bridges, and houses of worship in Falmouth, together with public and private buildings, Portland, ca. 1804

Item 148262 - Map of highways, rivers, bridges, and houses of worship in Falmouth, together with public and private buildings, Portland, ca. 1804
Contributed by Maine Historical Society
Item 148262
Map of highways, rivers, bridges, and houses of worship in Falmouth, together with public and private buildings, Portland, ca. 1804
16472px x 20502px - 54.9"w x 68.3"h @ 300dpi  |  Need a larger size?
*Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society
Image Info

A map of the highways in the township of Falmouth exhibiting at one view its rivers; bridges & houses of worship; together with other publick and private buildings; executed in conformity to a vote of said town by a scale of eighty rods to an inch (except the bridges, which have been plotted by a scale of twenty rods to an inch to render their appearance on the plan more intelligible.)

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