Item 12251 - Clark Block, Caribou, ca. 1890
- Item 12251 - Clark Block, Caribou, ca. 1890
- Contributed by Caribou Public Library
- Item 12251
- 4239px x 3448px - 14.1"w x 11.5"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Caribou Public Library
Image Info The Clark Block was built in 1882 on the corner of Main and Sweden Streets and burned in 1916.
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The picture is thought to have been taken between 1885-1895.
Stores and offices located in the building include: G.S. Clark & Company boots and shoes, A.J. Taylor Dry and Fancy Goods, William P. Allen's Law Office (left on second floor), Trickey (?) & Stearns (Lewis Stearns) - Councilors at Law Offices (right second floor), E.G. Farrell Harness Shop (Lower level on Sweden St.).
The Hall was on the third floor and was the leading venue for dances, shows, operas, graduations, town meetings and other large public and private gatherings.
The Caribou Clothing Store is in the next building to the left.