Item 11823 - Champlain map copy, Saint Croix or Bone Island, ca. 1799

Item 11823 - Champlain map copy, Saint Croix or Bone Island, ca. 1799
Contributed by Maine Historical Society
Item 11823
Champlain map copy, Saint Croix or Bone Island, ca. 1799
3993px x 4379px - 13.3"w x 14.6"h @ 300dpi  |  Need a larger size?
*Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society
Image Info

Frenchman Samuel de Champlain created the original of this map in 1613, showing Saint Croix Island in the Saint Croix River.

The commissioners of the Jay Treaty requested a copy of this map about 1798-99 to decide the boundary line between Maine and New Brunswick. Egbert Benson served as the British Commissioner.

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