Item 111871 - Young woman in Charleston, South Carolina, 1926
- Item 111871 - Young woman in Charleston, South Carolina, 1926
- Contributed by Stanley Museum on deposit at Maine Historical Society
- Item 111871
- 3369px x 4666px - 11.2"w x 15.6"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Stanley Museum on deposit at Maine Historical Society
Image Info Chansonetta Stanley Emmons’ portraits of women are intimate glimpses into their everyday lives. During her 1926 trip to South Carolina, Chansonetta made photographs of many women—some tenant farmers working in fields, some hired maids in towns, and many of young women and children.
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Chansonetta’s ability to make images that were collaborative—where the person in the photograph is just as important as the composition and light—produced powerful and lasting works of art. Unfortunately, the name of this young woman, dressed in a light cotton dress, does not appear in the records.