Item 109026 - Abagadassat Mill lots, Bowdoinham, 1755
- Item 109026 - Abagadassat Mill lots, Bowdoinham, 1755
- Contributed by Maine Historical Society
- Item 109026
- 11050px x 4870px - 36.8"w x 16.2"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society
Image Info A manuscript map, formerly known as map #51, shows a 1,200-acre tract of land in present-day Bowdoinham. The depicted plot is bordered on the east by Swan Alley, a section of the Kennebec River, and runs between Bowdoinham on the west and Swan Island. Also shown is the Abaguseatt (or Abagadassat) Mill. Alternating lots bear the names Hinkley and Skinner. Surveyed by Stephen Gatchell, the map is dated December 1755.
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