Item 101216 - James Dunning, Bangor, ca. 1867
- Item 101216 - James Dunning, Bangor, ca. 1867
- Contributed by Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum
- Item 101216
- 3174px x 4826px - 10.6"w x 16.1"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum
Image Info James Dunning of Bangor operated a seed and grocery store and was involved in efforts to build a rail line from Bangor to Waterville. That project included stock sales on which most investors lost money.
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Dunning is shown here in a sketch John Martin of Bangor made on page 51 of his "Scrap Book no 3," a series of recollections on his life and commentary on contemporary events.
Martin (1823-1904) devoted a section of the "Scrap Book" to politics around 1866. He described Dunning, a former Democrat who became active in the Republican Party, as "always to be seen on public occasions." He described a number of Democrat "rascals" and included Dunning in the "rascal" category, recounting a number of Dunning's schemes.
A text "bubble" coming out of Dunning's mouth in the illustration quotes Dunning in response to a question about whether he could support President Andrew Johnson's policies as asking the questioner, "if he thought I was a d -- med fool."
The quote is from a speech he gave at Bangor City Hall September 16, 1866.