Item 101131 - Soldier, Bangor, ca. 1860
- Item 101131 - Soldier, Bangor, ca. 1860
- Contributed by Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum
- Item 101131
- 2803px x 5579px - 9.3"w x 18.6"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum
Image Info John Martin (1823-1904), a Bangor accountant and shopkeeper, who began in 1864 writing and illustrating journals and scrapbooks about his life and experiences, drew this solider -- as people thought of soldiers "in the free states" before 1861 when the Civil War began.
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Martin, on page 114 of the "Scrap & Sketch Book" that he began in 1864, described the soldier as wearing "a bear skin cap a fine red broad cloth coat a pair of fine black broad cloth pants a fine cotton shirt with linen dickey a knapsack empty and a pair of fine calf boots with either white silk or white cotton gloves with red stripes on the pants."
Below that on the page, he drew a soldier as "a million of men" discovered one to look like from 1861 to 1866.