Item 101069 - Capt. L. J. Morse, Co. A, Maine State Guard, Bangor, 1864
- Item 101069 - Capt. L. J. Morse, Co. A, Maine State Guard, Bangor, 1864
- Contributed by Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum
- Item 101069
- 2225px x 6797px - 7.4"w x 22.7"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum
Image Info Capt. L. J. Morse was commander of Co. A, Light Infantry, of the Maine State Guard, which participated in the consecration of the Soldiers' Monument at Mount Hope Cemetery on June 17, 1864.
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John Martin (1823-1904), a Bangor accountant and shopkeeper, drew the illustration of Morse on page 25 in his 1864 "Scrap and Sketch Book."
He wrote, "The state guards wore a bear skin cap as represented. their coats most wholly red."