Item 100816 - Market Hall, Bangor, 1846
- Item 100816 - Market Hall, Bangor, 1846
- Contributed by Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum
- Item 100816
- 6844px x 2230px - 22.8"w x 7.4"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum
Image Info John Martin (1823-1904) of Bangor drew his recollection of these buildings along Kenduskeag Stream in Bangor. Construction of the Market Hall began in 1836. The foundation was completed, but the economic downturn of 1837 ended construction on the building.
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The market and public hall shown in Martin's drawing was built on part of the foundation -- and lasted until the Freshet of March 1846.
Martin drew the illustration of the three buildings and the shops they held as part of his journal that he began in 1864 to record events of his life and surroundings. The illustration appears on page 226 of the journal, as part of his discussion of the Freshet of 1846.
Martin said he drew the Market Hall from recollection in part because he had never seen an image of it reproduced and because he and his wife, Clara, had attended church in that building, as well as lectures, concerts, and other events.