Item 100213 - Plan of Longfellow and Preble lots, Portland, 1838
- Item 100213 - Plan of Longfellow and Preble lots, Portland, 1838
- Contributed by Maine Historical Society
- Item 100213
- 4446px x 3460px - 14.8"w x 11.5"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society
Image Info The drawing shows the size and shapes of the house, barns, cow yard, gardens, and wood house on the Longfellow property on Congress Street in Portland. It also shows the Preble property, to the east and the commercial and other properties to the west of the Longfellows.
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Alexander Wadsworth Longfellow, a son of Stephen and Zilpah Wadsworth Longfellow, and a surveyor, made this plan of the Longfellow property.